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3D projection electrical field TV antennas
By pressing the Start calculation solid 3D button the program performs the irradiation calculation in space; at the end the result is shown in a separate popup.
In the 3D scene there are buildings, trees, a distance grid and the emission solid electric field at the intensity V/m chosen in the Irradiation solid at box.
The layout and size of the tree-buildings are random, they reproduce a hypothetical landscape that changes with each recalculation.
The size of the grid indicates the real distances in meters from the center of the antennas relative to the calculated electric field, the result depends on the parameters chosen before the calculation for each antenna:
Power, Height, Distance, Direction, Tilt, Number of floors, Distance between floors, Number of arrays, Angle between arrays
The position of the grid is initially set at 0 level on the ground plane but can be moved dynamically on the Z axis by dragging it with the mouse (drag).
The resulting electric field is estimated as the sum of the fields emitted by each antenna in all angular directions, the calculation step is equal to 1 degree while the texture of the solid is smaller to limit data traffic while still obtaining an acceptable result.
The antennas used are generic television antennas.
The simulation takes place in free space without taking into account obstacles, reflections, diffractions.
UltraSoft3D declines all responsibility for any damage or improper use of the results.
In the 3D scene there are buildings, trees, a distance grid and the emission solid electric field at the intensity V/m chosen in the Irradiation solid at box.
The layout and size of the tree-buildings are random, they reproduce a hypothetical landscape that changes with each recalculation.
The size of the grid indicates the real distances in meters from the center of the antennas relative to the calculated electric field, the result depends on the parameters chosen before the calculation for each antenna:
Power, Height, Distance, Direction, Tilt, Number of floors, Distance between floors, Number of arrays, Angle between arrays
The position of the grid is initially set at 0 level on the ground plane but can be moved dynamically on the Z axis by dragging it with the mouse (drag).
The resulting electric field is estimated as the sum of the fields emitted by each antenna in all angular directions, the calculation step is equal to 1 degree while the texture of the solid is smaller to limit data traffic while still obtaining an acceptable result.
The antennas used are generic television antennas.
The simulation takes place in free space without taking into account obstacles, reflections, diffractions.
UltraSoft3D declines all responsibility for any damage or improper use of the results.